Haslers quiz night
On Thursday March 2nd 2017 FCGAGA was kindly invited to the Haslers Foundation annual quiz night which was held at Chingford Golf Club. The whole evening was a total success and It was interesting to meet other charities who were also invited such as St Claire Hospice, Havens Hospice, Jewish Care and Mobility trust. A big thank you once again to Haslers Foundation who made all the invited charities most welcome and could not have done any more on what was a fantastic evening.
Feed The Streetz
FCGAGA has started this project which feeds homeless people in east London every Friday morning who mainly sleep in Stratford Shopping Centre, we also feed homeless people in Plaistow, Leytonstone and occasionally Wanstead . At present FTS is supported by Haslers Foundation who have kindly offered to make monthly contributions, Jan, Rob and Irve all from Wanstead plus Zahra and Amber from Walthamstow. A big thank you to all of these people for they have made it possible for homeless people to wake up to a Breakfast Bag on a Friday morning. The main aim is for FTS to go out two mornings a week with thirty Breakfast Bags feeding the homeless for as long as it is needed.
For I strongly believe that no- one should go hungry regardless of their circumstances.
If you would like to support this project be it by making a donation, buying food or wanting to help then please get in touch through this website.
For I strongly believe that no- one should go hungry regardless of their circumstances.
If you would like to support this project be it by making a donation, buying food or wanting to help then please get in touch through this website.